
Please Stop Asian Hate!

德州众议院共和党候选人雪莱·路德 (Shelley Luther) 表示,应禁止中国学生进入德克萨斯大学。 Shelley Luther, anti-lockdown activist and GOP candidate, said Chinese students should be banned from Texas universities.

大家还记得在 2020 年新冠病毒大流行开始时,有一个理发师无视紧急命令拒绝关闭她的达拉斯沙龙。她被判入狱一周,但仅仅几天后就被释放了。最近她发表仇视亚裔,尤其是华裔的言论,禁止中国学生进入得克萨斯大学。Everyone remember that at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 when she refused to shut down her Dallas salon in defiance of emergency orders. She was sentenced to a week in jail but was released after only a few days. Recently, she made anti-Asian hate speech.

“中国学生应该被禁止进入德克萨斯州的所有大学,”路德在周三的推文中说。(“Chinese students should be BANNED from attending all Texas universities,” Luther said in the Wednesday tweet.)

周五,来自休斯顿的华裔民主党众议员GENE·吴谴责路德的言论,并要求她公开道歉。Plano市的曹祖英副市长也谴责了她的言论并代表Plano市民欢迎中国留学生。On Friday, state Rep. Gene Wu, a Democrat from Houston who is Chinese-American, condemned Luther’s comments and asked her to publicly apologize.

华人勤奋刻苦,尊老爱幼,认真好学,家庭和睦,为人忠诚又谦虚谨慎。和美国人民一样,华人来美国也是为了追求美国之梦,并为美国在科学,经济和教育以及各个领域都做出了极大的贡献!华人和别的美国移民一样不是来索取资源的。请停止对华人的仇恨,请停止对亚裔的仇恨!Please Stop Asian Hate!
