

亚洲文化和教育协会的夏季文化宣传活动于六月四号圆满举行。今年活动的策划和实施全部由亚洲文化和教育协会的青少年完成。感谢本次活动的场地赞助商 Onion Creek Ranch。200多亩地以及开满荷花的湖,奔跑的小鹿,满地的野花和靶场。宽阔的场地使得这一次的活动内容比去年更加丰富,家长和孩子们觉得受益匪浅,寓教于乐中玩得都很尽兴。

From left to the right: Andy Xu, Jessica Wu

本次夏令营活动的青少年负责人Jessica Wu和Andy Xu感谢营员们的大力支持以及家长们的无私奉献。

为了准备这次活动, Amy, Jessica, Andy 和 Samuel 提前聚在一起开会讨论,最后决定这次活动和亚洲文化和教育协会的青少年领袖培训营一起办。这些来培训的青少年义工们利用新学到的知识更加细致的策划和组织了这场活动。图片从左到右:Emily Wang,Warner Yan,  Dayou Wu, Crystal Luong,Andy Xu,Jessica Wu 和 Eric Wang。 

本次活动同时感谢青少年义工Amy Xu,Samuel Wu,Joanne Jin ,Amber Wang, Grace Wang and William Xu 他们克服了新冠病毒和炎热的天气,成功的举办了这次活动,参加的孩子们满载而归。受到了入营家长们的普遍好评。

活动的当天,每一位义工都踊跃的欢迎新朋友的到来。他们相互介绍认识新朋友。小朋友们一起制做独立日游行准备投放的礼物,串公益义卖爱心手链,包粽子,包饺子,在微波荡漾的湖水中泛舟,钓鱼, 夜里烤棉花糖,用大望远镜看月亮, 和父母一起在靶场上打枪,一起晚饭烧烤BBQ,一起烤羊肉串,听每一位家长们分享心目中最爱的孩子们的故事,欢声笑语中一直到深夜,大家在依依不舍中离开。

亚洲文化和教育协会是正式注册的501C3慈善组织,感谢大家支持公益活动,请加入我们的义工队伍: [email protected]

The Asian Cultural and Education Society USA Summer Cultural Awareness Program was successfully held on June 4th. This year’s event was planned and executed entirely by the Asian Cultural and Education Society USA Youth Council. Thanks to our sponsor, Onion Creek Ranch, for the over 200 acres of land and the lake housing lotus flowers, running deer, wildflowers, and a shooting range. The wide open space made this event even more informative than last year, and both parents and children had a great time. 

The camp’s directors, Jessica Wu and Andy Xu thank the campers for their great performances and their parents  for their support.

Amy, Jessica, Andy, and Samuel met ahead of time to discuss the event and decided to run it in conjunction with the Asian Cultural and Education Society Youth Leadership Camp. The youth volunteers who came to the training used their knowledge to plan and organize the event with greater efficiency. 

From left to right: Emily Wang, Warner Yan, Dayou Wu, Crystal Luong, Andy Xu, Jessica Wu and Eric Wang. We also thank the youth volunteers Amy Xu, Samuel Wu, Joanne Jin, Eric Wang, Amber Wang, Grace Wang and William Xu who overcame Covid -19 virus and the hot weather to organize the event successfully. The event was well received by the parents who attended the camp.

On the day of the event, each volunteer enthusiastically welcomed new friends, and they introduced each other to their new friends. The students made gifts for the Independence Day parade, strung charity sale bracelets, made dumplings and Zongzi, rafted in the lake, fished, roasted marshmallows at night, and looked at the moon through a big telescope.  Also, the students and the parents shot guns on the firing range, barbecued BBQ for dinner, grilled lamb kebabs. We listened to each of the parents share their favorite stories about their children and laughed until late at night.

Asian Cultural and Educational Society USA is a 501C3 non profit organization, You can  join ACAESUSA by sending an email to [email protected]

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