
  ACAESUSA participates in Hispanic Heritage Month activities 

On September 16, 2023, ACAESUSA participated in Denton, Texas’s Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration at the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center. Volunteers distributed gifts, including yellow whistles, handmade lantern materials, notebooks, candies, and toys. A set of Chinese history books was also donated. Dr. Rudy shared a compelling story about his advocacy for bilingual education for immigrant minorities as a Latino representative.

Hispanic Heritage Month, originally Hispanic Heritage Week in 1968 and later expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, commemorates the rich history, resistance, and triumphs of Hispanics and Latinos. The event celebrated this history through stories, music, and art, honoring their contributions.

ACAESUSA President Jan Xie expressed gratitude to Denton City and Center Director Muller Yosselin for promoting cultural awareness, traditional culture, and youth education while serving the local community.

The event thanked Mayor Gerard Hudspeth and Brian Beck, Brandon McGee, Center Director Muller Yosselin for their support, as well as the Committee of 100 and the Yellow Whistle Project for donating yellow whistles to combat hate against Asians. ACAESUSA’s Mental Health Program, in partnership with UCA-WAVE, addresses mental health issues among young people and Asians. They invite participation in their November event: Event Sign-up.

  ACAESUSA participates in Hispanic Heritage Month activities  –


在中秋佳节来临之际,2023 年 9 月 16 日,周六上午在德克萨斯州丹顿的马丁-路德-金休闲中心,亚洲文化和教育协会ACAESUSA 参加了西班牙裔传统月的庆祝活动 + La Vida Denton 2023.


  Denton 市长 Gerard Hudspeth和副市长Brian Beck,市议员Brandon McGee, 以及中心负责人Muller Yosselin 非裔代表和拉丁裔代表Rudy博士都对我们参与这次活动表示了诚挚的感谢。表扬我们对拉丁裔和非裔的大力支持。Dr. Rudy 讲述了他作为拉丁裔代表为少数移民争取双语教育而努力的感人故事。

  西班牙裔传统月始于 1968 年的 “西班牙裔传统周”,1988 年罗纳德-里根总统正式承认了 “黑人历史月”。之所以选择 9 月 15 日至 10 月 15 日为庆祝月,是因为9月15日是拉丁美洲国家哥斯达黎加、萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜的独立纪念日。墨西哥和智利分别在 9 月 16 日和 9 月 18 日庆祝独立日,哥伦布日或拉萨日在 10 月 12 日,正好在 30 天期间。 西班牙裔和拉美裔拥有丰富的历史。这段历史充满了反抗、牺牲和胜利。这次活动通过故事、音乐和艺术来纪念这段历史。人们将铭记他们的生活,颂扬他们的贡献。

  这次活动由解健,毕春燕,常少容和Lisa贾现场协调,陈民教授,Lin Li, 荣美和缪教授热心的帮着学生们做后勤。感谢这次现场参与的义工Richard Xie, Owen Xie, Irva Miao,  Charles Mi, Alysa Mi, Chenrui Mi以及提前帮忙准备材料的Andy Xu, Amy Xu,Samuel Li, Jessica Wu. Ravi Wang and LeLe和礼物的赞助者Samuel Li。也感谢华人组织百人会快递过来的黄口哨。 

  亚洲文化和教育协会ACAESUSA会长解健说“这次活动拓展了市民的文化视野, 宣传了中国的传统文化教育,提醒了社区心理健康的重要性。更好地融入和服务了当地社区。”想加入亚洲文化和教育协会的义工团队请联系[email protected]。作者:常少容,图片:解健